Fall Walleye Techniques

Fall is the hardest time to catch walleye, and i want to be prepared this year. Any fall techniques I should try to stimulate more walleye bites?

A good starting point would be to understand that the cooler weather of fall can generate some of the biggest walleye catches of the year. This is also the time of year that many anglers trade in the fishing pole for a riffle as hunting season begins. As a result, you may find that you have many of the hot fishing spots all to yourself. A great fall technique for catching walleye is speed of your presentation. The best speed to utilize during the fall is slow. The slower the better whether you are jigging live bait or trolling up and down the waters. Slow presentation adheres to the regular water patterns for this time of year. Walleye need that extra second to see what is on the end of your line. Try using hair jigs as these mirror lifelike actions even when standing still. A good one to use is the Marabou. Crank baits will mimic a ‘slow rolling’ movement sure to catch the walleye attention as well. Fall often brings cooler water temperatures. Try natural color bait selections on clear line to create as lifelike a situation in the waters as possible. This will prevent the walleye from getting spooked and thinking something else beside a lifelike fish is in the water. Good choices are baitfish patterns like shad or shiner with Berkley Trilene line. Bait sizes should be on the large side. The cooler water temperatures of fall result in slower movement by the walleye. They are less likely to chase something for any period of time, even if that something is a food source. Meals are eaten less frequently so a large sized bait selection will appear appetizing to the walleye. Try slow presentation with bigger bait selections and see if you do not have better luck this fall.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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