Boats and Walleye fishing

I am looking for the name of something. I am going walleye fishing in a boat. There is something i can use to not get tangled with the other lines. It is like a drift board but is there something else. If so could u let me know the name of that.Thanks

Well first off, a lot of people do make the mistake of not really knowing how to stop those line tangles. It’s a frustrating time when you have the line out and bring it back in to find that the line is all tangled up. You will spend a ton of time getting these tangles out, and at times it will even ruin your full day. You will be able to easily identify if your line is twisting. One way to tell is to pull a bit of line off, and let it hang loosely. If you have a line twist you will see it right away. Most anglers think that the line is too stiff, but this really isn’t the case. Your bait may have rotated around and caused the twist, but don’t worry. You can fix it, or even prevent it from happening. Just because you have a swivel on the line it doesn’t mean that your line will not get twisted. In order for the swivel to work you must have the correct size of swivel on your line. You should make sure you use the same size of line to attach the swivel to the line. If you don’t, it may cause a tangle. This is very noticeable and a big problem if you are not careful when you are fishing from a boat. But really, the biggest cause of those tangles can be fixed by making sure that you’re trolling at the correct speed. If you’re going too fast or too slow it will help to lend to the problem of line tangle. Try this either with or without the drift board and see if it works. See if it works for you, and you can avoid those nasty tangles this year. Good luck with your walleye fishing.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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