What is a Planer Board and Why Would You Use One

What is a planer board?

A planer board is something that most anglers do not consider when they are out on the boat fishing. The planer board allows you to fish more lines when trolling. You can use a planer board to troll five, seven and ten lines all off the back of the boat. Once you have the technique down right, you will also avoid line tangling and a start catching the walleye. Some anglers still prefer the dipsey, only because they do not take the time to learn a few techniques required to use the planer board successfully.

The planer boards hold the rods and allow you to get the distance needed away from the boat. As you are trolling, the walleye are moving away from the disruption of the water by the slow troll and moving right into your slow gliding lures that resemble a slow moving food source. To use a planer board you will let out enough line to get the distance and the depth required to hook the walleye.

With the planer board, you can throw out as many lines as your boat size can fit and each line will be at a different distance out, a staggered look, as you would call it. This gives you more distance and coverage area when out on a lake trolling. To use the planer board set your troll speed at about two miles an hour. The outside line is the furthest from the boat and the middle line is a little closer to the boat and the inside line is the closest to the boat.



Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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