Entering A Walleye Tournament

How difficult is it to enter a Walleye tournament?

It is not that difficult to join a walleye tournament. You need to have a team. Every tournament may have different eligibility requirements, but you do need a team on every boat. New members have to fill out an entry form prior to participating in the tournament and pay the fee. Every day of the tournament you leave the dock or marina and have to be back and have you fish checked in at the appropriate time to stay in the tournament.


Your boat must meet the safety requirements of the Coast Guard and have no prior citations for fishing from the DNR. In most tournaments, depending on where they are and the specific rules, charter captains cannot participate in the walleye tournaments. In most cases, only so many boats are allowed so you need to sign up early to be considered. The walleye are measured in length and you cannot troll for fish. Again, you need to have specific rules for every tournament.


It is easy to enter the tournament. The hard part is being in the top line up when you register. You have to be quick to get your entry form in because everyone is watching the clock in order to be the first to get into the tournament. You might even try meeting new friends and seeing if they have a spot for you on their boat. Persistence is the way to make a name for yourself on the walleye tournament circuit and with other anglers.  





Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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