I wait until spring to catch walleye and was wondering if you have any early walleye fishing strategies I can use?

I wait until spring to catch walleye and was wondering if you have any early spring walleye fishing strategies I can use?

Spring is the easiest time for most anglers to catch walleye. The spring months are spawning season and you just need to find the right area. For the most part, walleye are going into rivers, by dams and into shallower waters to spawn. The males are eating little minnows during the spawn, while the females will eat after the spawn. The only strategy I can recommend is fishing the mouth of the rivers in the lakes right after the spawn. As the walleye are heading back to the lakes, you can offer a smaller bait. The size of the minnow will increase weeks after the spawn when the feeding frenzy starts. All you need is a place on shore or in a boat by the mouth. I prefer to fish the walleye after the spawn so I do not upset the population of walleye by catching and possibly injuring a female. It is important that they are allowed to spawn so the rivers and lakes stay populated with the fish. Fish with a jig and a minnow close to the mouth of the rivers and channels and you will have some good catches. During May when the May Flies are abundant, you can fish in the areas where the flies are leaving larva. This however, is for those anglers that do not mind swarms of May Flies. It can get pretty thick and annoying. Spring is a good time to fish for walleye, but so is fall, right before the cold sets in.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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