A Good Starter Walleye Tackle Kit

Can you give me a starter list of walleye tackle?

For many individuals who have been fishing for walleye for quite some time already know which lures he or she likes to use the best, or maybe some of those that don’t work all that well. If you are just starting out on the concept of enjoying the relaxing sport of fishing for walleye and want to have a decent bit of tackle starting out, here are some suggestions for you. Pick a fishing line that is reliable and won’t break easy. There are different weight lines so keep this in mind. Hooks should be a bit of a variety too. Have some smaller hooks, medium and even larger for those walleye that you know are going to try and run. Split weights. These will come in handy for the lure you are using, as well as if the waters current is running slower or faster. An important thing to remember about any weight or split weight is that you don’t want the lure to drag the bottom of the water’s bottom. Bobbers. These are useful for beginners in the concept that it allows the individual to see the actual walleye nibble at the lure or bait. Once the bobber bobs below the surface you have a bite and its time to attempt to reel the walleye in. A good pair of pliers is also good, to release a hook from the mouth of a walleye. Don’t try to always use your hands. There are occasions when this isn’t going to be an easy task. A net. Having a net is essential for hauling in the walleye on the end of your fishing rod. Sometimes when an individual attempts to grab the fishing line unfortunately it will break and the walleye will escape. Get the walleye as close to you as possible and then use the net for a guarantee that it won’t get away. Last but definitely not least have something to carry the walleye that you have caught to keep. A fish line or bucket made to hold the walleye until you are done fishing for the day will do. This is a good bit of basic tackle to get started with.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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