Fishing researcher, Dan Eggertsen, answers a variety of questions concerning how you can catch Walleye quickly and easily.

Techniques that can be used for Walleye fishing in the Mississippi River

Category: Uncategorized

I fish a lot of walleyes out of Milles Lacs it like sun fishing but now with gas prices we been stayin round home in Monticello. I live a block from the mighty Mississippi. I’ve tried fishing it a few times. All I caught were snags. I use an egg weight swivel/ laser blood red hook/crawlers. Is there a technique you can share to catch walleyes and tie I should fish them and the month for this area.

In all fairness, there are several different ideas and ways to fish for walleye on the Mississippi river. And there are also a lot of different opinions. The best concept for a walleye fisherman here is to use what works best for his or her own preference. Also, use different techniques that you know. It will depend on how fast the water current is moving as to which type of weight an individual wants to use. In addition, the area of the river is also a factor in which type of bait to use. As for the swivel/ laser blood red hook and crawlers, this is a good concept because walleye prefer bright shiny lures. Obviously the hook can be seen. If crawlers aren’t working however, there are glow lures that would probably do the trick in the Mississippi as well. It could be that depending on the location the water is a bit murky below the surface and the walleye can’t visualize or see the bait well. If an individual is getting far too many snags, it would be a good idea to use a bit less weight on the line so as the hook doesn’t’ drag the bottom of the river bed too. As for the time of year or month, remember that walleye like warm weather. However, if it looks as though it is going to rain and it’s warm, this is a great time for walleye fishing. Also, in the fall when the water’s current doesn’t seem to flow as fast walleye are prone to get caught in many rivers, especially in locations of deep water and not shallow areas. In the spring, the current tends to run faster because of the thawing and the walleye will essentially be harder to catch.

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Question asked on July 26, 2009at 8:00 pm:: Comments (0)

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