Walleye Fishing With A Orange And Chartreuse Bait

I read somewhere that Walleye actually see orange and chartreuse better than any other colors. How do they know this and does that mean those are the only colors I should use?

Walleye fishing is one that many anglers question the types of bait as well as the color of the bait. If you fish for walleye in shallow waters that are relatively clear, you would use orange and chartreuse as they do work better than say a green and chartreuse which anglers use for shallow and murky waters. You can use the orange and chartreuses bait in any depth of water as well as in water that is clear or murky. Why this color bait is not really established by any scientific means, as it is more of a popularity type suggestion.

Fish and tackle shops point you in the direction of orange and chartreuses baits because they are the sellers, therefore, popularity makes them the bait of choice to hook a walleye. Can a walleye actually see colors? How could anyone know for sure? The reason anglers use the bait of this type and color is because that is what other anglers are using and having great results hooking the walleye.

There is no documented proof that results from studies, but there are documented reports from the pros who hook the fish when using the orange and chartreuses bait. Therefore, if you are fishing for walleye in any water depth or condition, you might want to use this type of bait, but do not limit yourself to just this one. The walleye may not be interested in that particular type of bait that particular day. It is a matter of experience and popularity as to what works best for the angler.  



Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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