Fish Locators Are A Matter Of Preference

Do I need a Fish Locator for Walleye fishing?

Technically, no you do not a need a fish locator to fish walleye. It is all a matter of opinion as to whether you use a locator or not. If you are new at walleye fishing, you can learn the tricks to locating walleye without a locator. The perfect places to find the fish are in rocky underwater areas and green weed areas. If you have none of these locations in the lake or river you are fishing, then you may want to use a fish locator. Of course, if you know the lake and see other anglers in an area, you could follow suit.

The fish locators are more of an angler’s toy as some may say. You can locate fish easier with a locator, but as far as it being a necessity, no it is not necessary. If you plan to fish regularly, then investing in a fish locator may be wise. If you are a once a year angler, you will probably not want to invest the money. Some of the walleye pro’s do not use a fish locator and use their knowledge of where the fish like to sit.

If you are fishing after spawning, you do not need a locator, you just need to know where the fish are going to come in or out to hook a walleye. Fishing is more of a sport when you have to actually find the fish with technique rather than having something that finds the fish for you.



Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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