Where is the best walleye fishing in North America?

Where is the best Walleye Fishing in North America? I’m going to go there!

The best place in North America to do some walleye fishing is a hard one to pinpoint because there are so many excellent places to fish and bring home the daily limit. However, three places come to mind. The two Great Lakes, Lake Erie and Lake Superior come to mind as far as big lakes. On Lake Superior, the best place to fish for walleye is by the port of Duluth. You will have to watch the winds when fishing up in this part of Minnesota. If the winds are to strong, you will never get a boat in the water. However, if you are up in that area, you can fish the St Louis River and Bay area. The clam waters are home to the walleye. Lake Erie has three basins to fish from for walleye. The best basin to fish is the Port Clinton area, Toledo and Oak Harbor areas. You will find some nice sized walleyes in these areas. You could also fish around the Vermillion, Cleveland and Geneva areas during the summer months. If you plan to fish in the summer this is the area you want to fish for walleye. If you plan to fish either one of these basins, look around the islands and weed beds. These are just two of the waters you can fish, but really, there are so many places in this country for fishing walleye and having a great day. Michigan, Wisconsin and even Illinois have some great places for fishing walleye.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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