Walleye Fishing In Illinois

Where are the best areas for fishing walleye in Illinois?

The state of Illinois is not known for its high standards of walleye fishing. A lot of anglers that live in the area of Illinois plan their fishing trips and go to places such as Wisconsin, Canada and Minnesota so that they are able to fill their cooler boxes with the walleye fish that they catch. There are some locations where it is possible to constantly find the walleye, so it may be worth a short drive to get to these waters. When a lot of people think about fishing walleye they tend to think about fishing rivers and lakes that are located within the northern areas; however, some of the best walleye fishing areas within the area of Illinois are located towards the southern part of the area. Some of the lakes that are located within the southern part of Illinois and have a reasonable good level of walleye fishing include Clinton Lake, Lake Carlton and Kinkaid Lake. If you would prefer to go to the western part of Illinois, one of the best places to go walleye fishing would be Pittsfield City Lake. If you would prefer to head up north there are a few lakes where there is a good level of walleye fishing. There is Lake Shabbona, which is located a couple of hours drive to the western side of Chicago. Fishing is only allowed on Lake Shabbona during daylight hours. There is a very heavy fishing pressure on this lake, so this limits the amount of walleye that you are able to catch on a set fishing trip. There are some experienced fishermen that actually have trips where they do not catch anything. The best time to fish on Lake Shabbona is the middle of the week during conditions of low light. Despite this being a tough lake to fish there is actually a vast amount of fish in the lake.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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