What baits and riggings are best for walleye fishing on Lake Muskegon?

What baits and riggings are best for walleye fishing on Lake Muskegon?

I would suggest a six or seven foot fast action graphite rod with twenty-five feet of yen pound maxima with a blood knot tie. Use a four-ounce weight. Use the Rapala works well when the fish are in colder water and do not move as fast, but in spring and summer or even fall months, use a minnow to catch the walleye. If you are fishing the west end of the lake during the spawn, you will need to get down to the depth where the fish are located. The Swedish Pimples work well for this time of the year or use a number nine jigging Rapala with a minnow. Use some big minnows and put one on each of the five hooks. This sure makes the presentation appealing to the walleye. If you are ice fishing, make sure to use live bait. You will want to change the bait from time to time if you do not get a bite. You want that minnow to flop around and catch the attention of the sluggish walleye. In this case, you will hook the minnow through the tail. This sends the vibrations out to the ever-sensitive walleye. They will feel the vibration from the flopping fish. I have also heard of hooking the minnow through the mouth, but anglers on Lake Muskegon say the tail. You are going to enjoy fishing on this lake. It is a great place to find some good sized walleyes. Just keep your bait alive if using live bait.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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