The Most Productive Pike Fishing Lures

Can you tell me about the most productive pike fishing lures?

In fishing for the walleye or pike, you need to remember a crucial point; these fish will tend to stay out of bright light as they are sensitive. This means that the lures that you choose will need to be able to hang out on the bottom of the water with the fish. Jigs have always been popular and productive with this type of fish. In addition if you are using iridescent, fluorescent or shimmery jigs, then you will score big with these fish. You will additionally need to use live bait as these fish respond very well to this. Regardless of the lure that you choose, stay within these guidelines and you will notice a better catch every time. Just as much as your lures are important in fishing for these fish, so is the location that you are fishing at. Pay close attention to small gravelly beds as well as rock formations. Typically these fish will stay close to this as this is where the food is and where the light is the dimmest. You will need a light to medium action rod for this type of fishing as well. This will give you the best flexibility as well as the maneuverability to manipulate these fish right into your boat. Just as all of this is important, remember that these fish are actually best fished at dawn and dusk. This is a time when the light is lower and will give the fish the light that they won’t be sensitive to.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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