Pike vs Walleye

What are the differences in fishing tackle I should use for pike fishing and walleye fishing?

You need to use tackle for Northern Pike that is much heavier. For instance let’s examine the decision concerning rod choice. A Walleye is a fish that often picks up a bait and holds it in its mouth before committing to eating it. A Northern Pike on the other hand generally engulfs a bait with a powerful strike. A Northern Pike has a tough mouth that is tough to penetrate while a Walleye has a much softer mouth. For these two reasons you want a light action rod for Walleye so you can feel the light pickups. For Northern Pike you want a heavy action rod to have the required backbone to set the hook in their tough bony mouth. The size of lure you will use is based on the feeding patterns of these two fish. A Northern Pike has a much larger mouth than a Walleye. As a result it will eat much large prey. For Walleye small live bait like leeches work well. To catch a Northern Pike you will need to switch to larger bait suck as a sucker minnow in the five to seven inch class. When using artificial lures stick to small to medium sized jigs for Walleye and switch to large spoons for Northern Pike. Finally consider the speed of your presentation. For Walleye a slow retrieve works best due to their cautious behavior. For Northern Pike a fast retrieve fits their aggressive behavior better. Speed will often encourage a Northern Pike to strike. Northern Pike are much faster swimmers than Walleye due to their body style.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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