Can you catch walleye under the ice? How?

I haven’t been able to find much information on ice-fishing for Walleye. Can you catch them when the lake is frozen?

Not only can you catch them, but odds are in your favor that you’ll actually land the biggest Walleye you’ve ever caught!  Walleyes are voracious eaters and tend to spend the early winter months gorging to prepare for the long winter.  If you’re out fishing during this period of feasting, you’ll find Walleyes are topping the scale at the highest end, possibly having added another 4 to 6 pounds to their summer weights.  Most fishermen agree that the first ice is usually the best because the fish are still feeding aggressively and yet have already added weight. They’re easy to find because they tend to remain in the same areas they were feeding in during the late fall.  As the ice-fishing season continues, however, the Walleyes will begin to move out of the shallows they’re familiar with in search of food.  Locating the Walleye suddenly becomes a little more difficult.  Your best bet for ice-fishing for Walleye is to return to a lake that you’ve fished during the summer or fall.  If you have a good idea of where the fish were hiding during those months, you should be able to find them in the winter.  Moving around on the ice, however, isn’t as simple as moving around in your boat.  It’s a good idea to invest in some electronic equipment if you’re serious about ice-fishing.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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