The Most Effective Pike Lures

Pike aren’t going to go after a lure that doesn’t appeal to them either, so the most effective lures are those that would want the pike to eat. Some lures are scented to give the pike an even better idea of what is floating around in front of them. These lures that are scented in most situations might cost a bit more; however to the pike angler it is worth its weight when pike is caught with it.

Crank baits and spoons seem to be the favorite of all the pike anglers known, simply because they are lures that are the most effective. Regardless of the location and area an individual is fishing for pike, spoons will work. Spoons are made of various styles and shapes but the overall concept is the same. Although there are different types of spoons this only makes it better for the pike fisherman, because this way they have a variety he or she can choose from when fishing.

Those individuals who do pike fishing in Canada feel live bait is better and more effective than lures, however it’s not always the main choice. As always, what is right for one person and his or her preferences might not be right for another. Trying different lures is the most effective way of finding out which lures are the most effective lures for pike fishing for individuals on his or her own. Somewhat like hands on training, the lures that are effective for pike are determined. Individuals can choose a variety of lures to use on a pike fishing trip and then make the decision as to which of those lures are actually the most effective and give the best results.

To get the full “The Most Effective Pike Lures” article you’ll need to download it here.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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