Killer Pike Fishing Techniques

Lures used in these cases are those such as wobblers and 3 way swivels. These lures look so real and the pike love to ambush the prey of food they are after. The idea with these specific lures is that they do look real and appealing to most pike. Fish anglers from all over give ideas and opinions on killer techniques for catching pike. These techniques will usually be found in sporting and fishing magazines and even books written by the fishing professionals of our day.

There are also many different web sites via the Internet that offer the same information. In fact, on some of these web sites forums are posted for individuals who have questions or want to know more about the techniques that are used.

Of course if pike is the main fish an individual fishes for, there are also guides for the pike that are sold in bookstores and on various web sites via the Internet. However, the use of the web sites that have forums and places where individuals can post are sometimes better to use. The reason for this is due in part that new techniques are being realized all the time and sometimes they won’t be in the guides or the books you purchase.

By using the web sites for killer techniques on catching pike the comments are obviously going to be newer and even dated in some cases. The web sites often give tips and other resources for basic pike fishing as well. Through the Internet it is easy to find even more killer techniques for pike. Also, word of mouth helps a lot. By talking to others who have fished for and caught the pike is a great way of learning additional techniques for pike fishing.

To get the full “Killer Pike Fishing Techniques” article you’ll need to download it here.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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