The Secrets Of Walleye Fishing in Alberta

Diet and Fishing Techniques

One of the best ways to entice the walleye to take your bait is to offer them something that is similar to their natural food source. The adult walleye will mostly feed off of other fish such as whitefish, perch and minnows. Their diet also consists of insects, frogs, snails and a variety of small mammals. Using live minnows is the best option for catching walleye but if this is not an option for you then you can also use a variety of artificial lures.

The walleye will feed the most aggressively at night so this is always a great time to fish. This is when the larger walleye are the most plentiful. You will find them along the edges of the water in the shallows at night and around channels. Most anglers have the best luck using live bait when night fishing.

Using techniques that help you control the depth in which you are fishing are highly recommended. This allows you to reach the right depth each time you throw out your line once you locate the fish. When casting into a strike zone use a slow retrieval method when reeling the line back in. This usually works the best for this species because it gives them time to actually take the bait.

Always pay attention to detail when fishing for walleye in Alberta. This can help you to locate the fish easier and choose the bait you use more wisely. For instance, when you see an area where their natural food source is located you know that the walleye should be close by and you know which bait to start off using.

It’s suggested that you try a variety of techniques and baits to see which ones work for you the best in different situations. Experimenting is a great way to discover secrets that help you reel in those walleye. Anglers enjoy fishing for this species because they are an elusive fish that makes this sport challenging and interesting. The fact that they are one of the best tasting fish available makes them very popular as well.

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Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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