Fishing researcher, Dan Eggertsen, answers a variety of questions concerning how you can catch Walleye quickly and easily.

How do I catch Walleye from the bank?

Category: Uncategorized

What is the best method of catching walleye from the bank of a lake… or river? What technique should I use?

Catching a walleye from a bank of a lake or a river, one would think about a few things before you can determine the right technique. You need to know about the area you are going to fish. Knowing where the walleye hang is the first step to fishing before deciding what technique will work the best. You might find the area is best fished with a certain jig or a certain bait. Before you decide how to fish the walleye, it is best to find out where actually on the banks are the anglers catching the fish and what is the water depth, water condition and what is under the water in that area.

In any case, you are going to want to fish in with the flow of the water. Normally a walleye will be facing into the flowing water as it comes at it. Using the fly-fishing method of fishing will allow your bait to flow right to the unsuspecting fish. The thing you have to remember here is that you cannot go out to far, river walleye do stay close to shores if there are downed timbers and rock formations under water. In some cases, you can just stand on shore, use the drop, and sink method with a jig and minnow.

By dropping the bait into there zone, walleye is going to strike in no time. Many rivers and smaller lake areas do have enough underwater timbers and rocks for the walleye to hide in and around.


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Question asked on May 15, 2008at 11:00 pm:: Comments (0)

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