What’s your best technique for early morning walleye fishing?

What’s your best technique for early morning walleye fishing?

Early morning walleye fishing can be good if you get to the right area. Morning walleyes will be found in the shallower waters if you are fishing at dawn. Bright sun is going to send the walleye to deeper waters. I would fish by the weed beds with a jig and a minnow. The walleye are usually not going to be deep until the sun becomes bright. The weed beds and places closer to shore will have the walleye still prowling around from the night. You should be able to find some underwater deadwood and rock formations that will have the walleye hiding. As the sun comes up, the walleye will start moving to deeper waters and trolling areas between the weed beds and underwater humps would make sense. You want to catch the walleye as they head into deeper waters. If the day is overcast and windy, the walleye normally will stay close to shore and then you might use a spinner to get their attention. The water is usually murky when it is windy. Use a chartreuse color lure. The most important thing is to offer bait that is appropriate in size to what the walleye are looking for at the time. Take some time to find out where the hits were the day before for a starting point in the shallower waters. Set up a rod for dropping in the weed beds and one for trolling as soon as the sun comes up and you should be all set.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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