Catching Walleye in Seattle

What’s the best way to catch walleye in Seattle, WA? What’s the closest, and best, place to go?

Washington Lake is the best place around Seattle to go walleye fishing. However, the Columbia River is also a good place in Washington to go fishing for walleye. When fishing in these areas it is a good idea to use spinners or plugs and rigs, although spoons can work rather well under certain conditions. The more natural the bait looks the more likely it is that the walleye will go for it. When using spinners, it is usually the movement of the spinner which attracts the walleye. Walleye seem to be drawn to bight colors and other things that really stand out. Because a spinner is so flashy and noticeable, it will grab the walleyes attention even in dirty or mucky water. You must remember that speed is a very important element when fishing for walleye. You need to keep the speed up or else other fish will start going for your bait. When you are using a rig or plug it is best to use ones that look like small bait. Small plugs that look like minnows or leeches are good for catching walleye. You do not have to have a long line because walleye will more likely swim upwards towards bait then swim down. When your baits are floating in shallower water walleye can see them from farther away. That makes you all the more likely to catch one. Since the area is well known for large walleye you may even catch a trophy size one that you can show off.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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