Three best baits for walleye

Whenever I fish by boat, crankbaits are my lure of choice. I suggest using a planer board so that the line stays well back of the boat. The further away it is, the less chance you have of scaring the walleye away with the noise and wake. Trolling with crankbaits is very effective in the summer when walleye head to the thick weed beds. I typically troll at a slow speed just outside of the weed beds.

Spoons: I find spoons to be a very effective lure as they mimic the movements of injured fish if used correctly. Walleye will take any opportunity for a meal and an injured fish is easy prey. The size, shape, and color choice are all very important if this is the lure that you opt to use. As with jigs, you will want to choose your color according to the clarity of the water. Also, if you combine your spoon with a Dispey Diver, it will sink even deeper in the water. I prefer to use spoons when fishing during the summer months as the walleye will typically stay in deeper waters during this time to escape the bright sun.

I am going to throw in an additional suggestion for you to consider. Most fishermen that I have met prefer to stick to more traditional methods of catching walleye, both because this particular lure can take the challenge and relaxation out of fishing. It may also give the angler an unfair advantage. However, if you are simply looking for a fun day of catch and release without the challenge, then you may want to try the biopulse lure. The biopulse lure is a new and innovative product that combines flashing lights, sounds, and scent that is meant to increase your chances of catching walleye. Perhaps, if you are having a difficult time reeling in any walleye, you may want to try this lure just for a change of pace. Keep in mind, the joy of fishing isn’t always in the catch.

To get the full “best baits for walleye” article you’ll need to download it here.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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