ABC’s of Arizona Walleye Fishing Appetite

When walleye fishing in Arizona, one of the best places to fish for walleye in rivers and lakes are the community spots. Many of these spots contain deep holes in river channels or current breaks that are a favorite hiding spot for walleye. Where in those spots walleye are depends on how aggressive they are feeling on any particular day. A current seam occurs when the top water surface current is going in one direction and an undertow, or bottom surface current, is moving in the opposite direction.

Walleye love to hang out in limbo so to speak in the area between these two currents. It is not impossible to catch them there. This current seam is visible to the naked eye. All it takes is a little skill and practice to identify a current seam and know how to break through it. Start by watching water patterns over a couple of days fishing in the same area.

Next, make sure to fish in both directions of the current seam. Fishing in only one direction will not prove effective if walleye are hanging out in the opposite current stream. Slip your jig down in the same direction as the current. On the retrieve, draw your jig up through the hole by going against the current. It all depends on which direction the walleye are facing the hole on any given day.

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Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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