Five Best Lures To Catch Walleyes

In cold weather they will be out in the deeper parts of the water where they’re harder to find. This is a good time to use sonar, a fishfinder or some other type of technology to help you find the location of the walleye. These work well in the summer and fall when the walleye can be found in all depths depending on the time of day and weather conditions. For example, in the heat of the summer they will be out in the deeper parts of the water during the day and move closer inland at night.

The best time to go walleye fishing is from dusk to dawn. This is due to the fact that the walleye can see so well because of their unique eyesight, which is also what eared them their name. This species can see better in dark waters than any other species. This gives them a huge advantage over their prey and the reasons why they’re so much more active during the night. It also means that they can see you when the water is clear and they’re near the surface so keep this in mind the next time you go walleye fishing.


Once you locate the walleye your presentation is very important. To get the best results the lure of your choice needs to be presented correctly. There’s more to walleye fishing than simply casting out a line and reeling it back in. You need to get the attention of the fish and entice them to strike if you’re serious about taking home a nice catch. The walleye will not strike at anything that appears to be un-natural so practice making the lures move in a realistic way.

You also need to try different retrieval methods until you find the one that gets the best results. Start out slow and speed up until you find the right speed that works.

When you know where to look for the walleye, the right presentation to use and you take along one or more of the five lures listed above, you are sure to have a fun and exciting fishing trip each time you go walleye fishing.

To get the full “Five Best Lures To Catch Walleyes” article you’ll need to download it here.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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