Best Wisconsin Fishing Trips for Catching Walleyes

When you are fishing for Wisconsin walleye, a few good things to use as bait are crankbaits, spoons, live bait, plastic worms, grubs and spinner baits. These are the baits that are best to use as the fish fall for them easily. Fishing without using a depthfinder is something like going hunting with your eyes closed.

This is why sonar is so important when fishing for walleye as it works perfectly, especially for when you need to go deep and when you need to cruise deep areas while keeping an eye on the sonar. If the sonar is properly tuned you should be able to pick up any movement, but if the sensitivity has been set too low then you will most likely not be able to pick up much.

When you are fishing for walleye in one of the many large Wisconsin lakes, be sure to have a Humminbird sonar unit near by. They are great because they are easy to tune in and they also draw a wonderful depiction of the world underwater. The feature that many walleye fishermen enjoy about these units is that they have a side-imaging feature that lets them cover large areas of water quickly. This saves a lot of time as well as energy.

You tend to get your fishing trip over sooner than you would have without the unit, but you will still leave with the same amount of catch, if not more than you used to get.

Many fishermen prefer to fish for walleyes in Wisconsin when they do so on the weedline. This is because they seem to catch many other species of fish when they do this, along with the walleye which they originally came to get.

Therefore they get more than they bargained for! Weedlines are great because they offer loads of action all at the right time, and what do fishermen thrive on? Action, action and more action!

There are so many places in Wisconsin where one can go fishing for walleye, how will you know which lake to start at? Well firstly the one closest to you will do, and after that wherever you find the catch is good!

To get the full “Best Wisconsin Fishing Trips for Catching Walleyes” article you’ll need to download it here.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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