Yum Walleye Grub

What technique should I use for a yum 4 walleye grub?

YUM Walleye Grub is a special kind of lure that%u2019s specifically designed to attract Walleye fish. Walleye fish are very finicky eaters %u2013 well, maybe not so much finicky, but they%u2019re very intelligent and it%u2019s hard to catch them with normal lures. This is why YUM Walleye grubs are good things to use in this situation. YUM walleye grubs are designed to look just like an actual grub, with a vibrating tail that%u2019s intended to attract even extremely particular Walleye fish to it. TO make this easier, the designers of this grub added fish-attracting compounds into the extra-wide tail. If you want to make the best use of this grub, try using an eight-ounce jig when you go to fish during the spring. This usually works out quite well, because it%u2019s Walleye feeding time. You can also use sixteenth-ounce ball jigs if you%u2019re fishing in shallower parts of a lake or river. The good thing about the lighter jigs is that they come with shorter hooks that are harder for the Walleye to notice, and the smaller prey will be more attractive to the Walleye. To retrieve the fish, try using a hopping or crawling retrieval technique. You should use a stand-up head for this kind of retrieval with a YUM Walleye Grub. What this does is to keep the grub from wiggling enough to make it visible. You can also try attaching a plastic tail to the YUM Walleye Grub and jig %u2013 Two to three inches in length seems to be the best size and most popular amongst fishermen and anglers. If this is what you%u2019re using, you can also use a swimming retrieve to reel the lure in should you hook a Walleye. A swimming retrieve is basically when you reel the rod in steadily and slowly enough to have your lure look as much like a real fish as possible.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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