Fishing researcher, Dan Eggertsen, answers a variety of questions concerning how you can catch Walleye quickly and easily.

Freeland Walleye Festival

Category: Uncategorized

Where is the freeland walleye festival, and what can I expect there?

The Freeland Walleye Festival is a festival in Freeland, Michigan to celebrate the walleye fish. Walleye fish are some of the most difficult fish in the Great Lakes region to catch, and they%u2019re considered to be a pretty valuable trophy for fishermen. So Freeland has organized a festival to celebrate the walleye fish over a weekend, and it%u2019s held annually. The Freeland Walleye Festival is a weekend-long gathering of the community %u2013 not just for fishermen, but anybody who wants to join in to celebrate the festivities. Generally, the Walleye Festival is held during the peak of the walleye spawning season, in mid-to-late April. The Freeland Walleye festival is mainly centered around fishing, but it%u2019s not just that that you%u2019d find appealing. There%u2019s something for practically everyone %u2013 this year, the Freeland Walleye Festival has a hit dog cookout, fish fry and carnival rides just for starters. Generally all the entertainment is brought in from elsewhere, and the food%u2019s catered. Walleye, however, are caught and served (in limited amounts, because walleye are a less numerous species of fish). The Freeland Walleye Festival has fireworks displays, a Walleye tournament (in which fishermen can compete to catch the biggest Walleye) and also they have a blood drive usually on Saturday. Children get to participate in activities that they can enjoy, like games, a few contests and so forth. Freeland is a very tight-knit community that comes together during the Freeland Walleye Festival - this is one of the most well-known community celebrations. Also there is sometimes live music booked to perform. There%u2019s usually a fee for watching, however. If you go to the Walleye Festival, expect to have a very enjoyable time for the whole family, and if you enter the Walleye tournament, you%u2019ll be facing quite a bit of competition.

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