What strategies can I use to get walleye bites in Saginaw Bay?

What stragegies can I use to get walleye bites in Saginaw Bay?

If you are fishing Saginaw Bay, you want to fish near the tributaries during the pre-spawn and after the spawn, you can catch them by the Saginaw River. I have one particular lure that works the best in the Bay. The Rapala Husky Jerk No. 18. The walleye will enjoy a smelt at this time of the year, so body baits will work as well. Then there is the crankbaits run off planer boards. Another thing working on the lake is mini-spoons. Why, you might ask? The truth is that no one really understands why, but they are working very well for catching walleye. If you fish during the summer, the walleyes have moved to the deeper waters and you should find the underwater structures where they are in a holding pattern waiting for food. You can do this one of two ways. You can drop the bait into the zone if you find them with a fish locator or troll the popular areas by using a map. The best way to find the fish and have results is to use a fish locator. You really do not want to be hunting the fish all day. Saginaw Bay is huge and a fish locator helps. You can use the Rapala or some mini spoons to get a strike and hook a fish. If you use the trolling method, keep it down to two or less miles an hour for better results. Drifting in some areas will also work if there is an underwater structure nearby.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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