Some of the best lures for catching Walleye in Lake George

well me and my family are going 2 lake george next week what are the best lures for walleye thanksjoe

There are many different types of lures on the market today for catching Walleye. However, some of these lures essentially work better in Lake George. In addition, there are some lures for catching walleye that work better for certain individuals that other fishermen will not like or find don’t work to their liking. Some of the fishing lures for walleye are known as “glow lures”. These actually work well in Lake George because they are enticing to the walleye. A walleye doesn’t have the greatest vision under the water either. And therefore, by using the glow lures the walleye have a better idea of where the food is and will go after it. Among a variety of lures available on the market, those lures that are among the best or most frequently used in Lake George really depend on the individual. Therefore, the reality of the matter is that many individuals choose to use lures for walleye of different means. And, there are many different types of lures sold in many different places. And although glow lures are basically the first choice among those that fish in Lake George, there are many web sites via the Internet that offer information that targets the specific areas of Lake George. This provides additional details about some of the best lures for catching walleye in Lake George. As with the type of line and rods and reels the lures used for walleye are just as important. Lake George is full of walleye just waiting to be caught, and the fishing angler that is ready to catch them will do just that.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

One Response to “Some of the best lures for catching Walleye in Lake George”

  1. Walleye Book says:

    I agree – especially if Lake George is murky, then the glow lures will help you catch more walleye.

    If it’s a bright sunny day, you may also have better luck if you add a scent added to your lure, as walleye have a keen sense of smell.

    Thanks for the tips on catching walleye!

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