I am moving my family to Canada and was wondering if the walleye fishing is different from here in the states? Is there anything I should be aware of?

I’m moving my family to Canada, and I’m wondering how the walleye fishing is different up there, than here in the states? Anything I should be aware of?

Canada walleye fishing is basically the same as it is in the states. The weather up there is different and there are many outposts up there to fish rather than fishing unchartered areas. You will find that some areas are only for charter fishing, but there are somewhere you can go yourself and fish. The bait is going to be the same as well as the techniques. The area is very secluded in some areas, but you can talk to someone in the area you are moving to see where the walleye lakes and rivers are and gather some information on the exact locations where the walleye lurk. I do not know the exact area you are going to otherwise I could recommend some areas to try. There are many anglers up in that area, so you should have no problem getting information. The water temperatures are the one thing you have to watch for up in Canada. This will also determine what time of the year you can fish and when the walleye are less active. To get a feel for the walleye fishing in Canada, you might even consider using an outpost to see how the fishing goes. Then you will have a general idea about how the fish are running at that particular time of the year. The fishing is good in there spring as it is with ours here in the states. You just have to become accustomed to the temperatures and the changing seasons, which affect the fishing.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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