Detroit River Walleye – Four Fishing Secrets

The Detroit River is an excellent place to fish for walleyes and it’s actually famous for its “annual spring walleye run”. This is why anglers travel from all over the nation to fish this river. During this time of year, it’s some of the best fishing you’re ever had the pleasure of doing. If you’ve never experienced the annual walleye run, it’s something that you should plan for at least once. It will be an amazing fishing experience.
Walleyes are a unique species with big eyes and they will put up one heck of a fight. This makes seeking them out fun and interesting. They are very challenging because they are a sly fish. They can steal your bait away and you’ll not feel a thing if you’re not careful. They can see so well that it makes catching them more difficult. You have to be careful to use the smallest gear that will still be effective.
If they see the fishing line or the hook sticking out of the bait, they won’t strike. If you get to close to them in clear water, they will see you as a threat and hide for the rest of the day. You have to plan out your fishing trip and which strategies to use for this species if you’re serious about reeling in a nice catch. However, it’s this challenge that makes seeking them out so much fun.
During the middle of February, the walleyes begin their “spring run” and it’s estimated that about ten million walleyes will travel through this river to spawn. They come from Lake Erie and from St. Clair. They search for good places to lay their eggs such as reefs, rocky humps and other structures. The Detroit River is a very long “strait” that connects Lake Erie and St Clair so it’s considered a major waterway.
Four Fishing Secrets for the Detroit River
If you plan to fish this river, especially during the seasonal run, you need to know a little about it. Fishing here will be different from many of the other places where you’ve fished before. It has a lot to do with the number of walleyes that enter the river during the spawning season. The more you know about the walleyes and what they respond to the best on this river, the more successful you can be.
Here are four fishing secrets to catch walleyes on the Detroit River:
1. You can use a wide variety of bait to catch walleyes on this river. Everything from jigs to shiners to plastic baits has been used successfully. The best thing to do is try a variety of baits, including live bait such as minnows and worms until you find what works the best for you.
2. Vertical jigging is a favorite of many anglers who fish this river regularly. It can be very productive even though sometimes it can be a little frustrating because this body of water can be rough at times.
3. Walleyes look for anything that will allow them to hide out and wait for food. This gives them the element of surprise over their prey. Therefore, some of the best places to seek them out are around weeds, rocks, sunken brushes, trees and logs. They make the perfect habitat for this species.
4. Trolling is also one of the main techniques used on this river but many of the experienced anglers do it a little different from what you may expect. Instead of using fishing rods, they use an automatic fly reel with braided or wither steel fishing line and they call it “hand lining”. Using this method, you’ll troll the waters very slowly while holding the fishing line in your hand and your bait will be held near the bottom with 3-ounce weights.
If fishing during the spring run, you can expect to be only one out of many anglers found on this river. With so many anglers in one area, it’s important to be courteous and respectful to one another. Pay close attention to where you are at all times and don’t crowd other fishermen. Obey all safety rules and keep a close eye on your speed at all times. This way, everyone can have a fun and exciting fishing trip.
Things You Should Know Before Fishing the Detroit River
One of the things that tend to catch anglers off guard when fishing this river is its power. Most people don’t expect a river to have large waves that has the potential to flip a small boat but this one does. In fact, it’s not uncommon to see 4-foot waves on the Detroit River when the conditions are just right. Don’t be caught off guard when fishing here. Be prepared for most anything.
When fishing the spring annual run, keep in mind that the water temperature is still cool. It usually averages around 50 degrees. Dress accordingly with extra clothing and raincoats for when the waves are coming over the boat getting you soaked.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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