Colorado Walleye Fishing Spots and Techniques

The warm waters of summer bring out the best in walleye. Recommended hot spot locations are shoreline points that quickly drop off into deeper waters. Other great spots are rock and gravel ledges and hidden structures. This pattern holds true for the fall season as well. Sun rise will have the walleye seeking out cooler temperatures of deep waters.

Things change quite a bit during the winter months. Water temperatures are hovering above freezing. This causes the walleye to move at a slower than normal pace. Match your movements to this pace. Fish for walleye is deeper structure levels than normal.

These are merely the basic building blocks for Colorado walleye fishing. Walleye can be a tad unpredictable in terms of patterns and routines. Like most fish, walleye change patterns on a seasonal or daily basis. Mix up the places that you search for walleye. Once in awhile give spots such as manmade structures, submerged road beds or reefs that have been formed by dismantling an old bridge.

One essential piece of the puzzle that never changes is the fact that walleye are far from bright in nature. When it leaves the comforts of a safety zone, something has caught its attention. More than likely that something is shiny in nature. Make no mistake although walleye are chasing after a shiny object, they are very aware of structures around them. Technological advances in fishing equipment provide the ability for an angler to see the same structure. This is achieved through the use of depth finders and lures dragging along the bottom surface.

Walleye spend a great deal of time with schools of fish that lounge in deeper waters. This is not entirely by choice. Walleye are forced into this arrangement over time. As the walleye ages, it becomes harder to adjust to things like change in water temperature. For various reasons, these changes are more adaptable in deeper waters. As the walleye travel deeper and deeper, the condition stabilizes. There are no water depth levels that can be considered too deep for walleye.

In the end, a walleye is a fish and fish do what needs to be done in order to survive. Just something to keep in mind the next time your out chasing Colorado Walleye.

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Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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