Walleye in Wyoming

Summer comes around and Wyoming water temperatures start to heat up. Walleye can mostly be found in shallow grounds as the summer day starts and ends. Sunshine will send the walleye in search of deeper waters for protection from the bright lights. Seek out areas with rock or gravel bottoms.

Pinpointing underwater drop off points could stand to produce a significant amount of summer walleye. Pair these locations with crank baits, jigs and plastic worms. Basically any bait selection that mimics the actions of a minnow is going to catch attention.

Summer turns into fall and the water temperatures start to get a little colder. Walleye prefer middle ground water levels this time of year. Sunshine will again send the walleye in search of protection. Draw the walleye out of their structural hiding spots with jigs, crank baits and spoons.

Winter brings the less amount of activity for walleye. The water temperatures are at freezing in most spots. The walleye have settled in and are in no real hurry to chase after their next meal. Stick to a game plan of searching shallow waters at the day’s start and heading out deeper later on in the day. For bait selection, use jigs, spoons and plastic worms. Keep bait moving slow and steady as this is the action level of wintertime walleye.

Wyoming has long been known as one of the best places to go on a family vacation or a ski trip. With the word getting out of what the bodies of water have to offer, it is easy to see why Wyoming is quickly becoming a fishing hot spot.

To get the full “Walleye in Wyoming” article you’ll need to download it here.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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