Best Places in South Dakota for Walleye Fishing

When fishing for walleye during the summer months the best baits to use include crank baits, plastic worms and also some of the types of jigs that are available. When you are fishing for walleye during the summer months it is best to fish in shallow waters in the mornings and the evenings, as they move into the deeper water when the sun rises. It is best to use lures that are able to mimic crawfish, as these are the favorite type of food for walleyes.

When fishing for walleye during the fall months it is a good idea to use crank baits, jigs or spoons in order to try and catch some walleye. It is best to fish in the areas that are moderately deep during the morning and evening hours, because when the sun rises in the sky the walleye move into deeper waters towards the structures that are located on the outside of the water.

If you decide to go fishing for walleye during the winter months it is best to use jigs, plastic worms or spoons to try and land some walleye. When you are fishing for walleye during the winter months it is best to fish in the areas that are shallow to moderate in depths during the morning hours, because the walleye will move into water that is deeper as the sun rises. During the winter months the walleye are a lot less active and they tend to be in water that is cold, therefore it is a good idea to move the chosen bait slowly in the water as this will make it easier to catch. It is also a very good idea to fish within deep structures as they tend to lay dormant in these areas, waiting for suitable fish to swim past.

When fishing for walleye regardless of the time of year it is advisable to carry a selection of bait, because what works one time may not necessarily work the next. It can depend on a vast number of factors such as the way that the water is flowing, the current of the water, and also the mood of the walleye.

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Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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