Catching Walleye in the Deep

Would an umbrella rig be an effective tool to use when fishing for Walleye that have gone deep?

An umbrella rig can be used to fish for walleye that have gone deep. There are several things to keep in mind. Use a rule of 100’ of wire for every 10’ in depth. Next, understand that using an umbrella rig to fish deep might mean a sacrifice on your part once in awhile. The rig could easily snag on something along the bottom and reeling in your line will have you coming up empty handed – no walleye and no umbrella rig. Both remain on the bottom floor. Umbrella rigs are better suited for striped bass than walleye. This is not to say it will not attract the attention of a Walleye. The sole purpose of this rig is to duplicate the movement of baitfish. An instinctive light bulb goes off for fish and the chase is on. Whether that fish be a walleye or striped bass, the predator will strike. Another key to success in snaking out deep-water walleye is staying in constant contact with the bottom surface. The ideal jig size is one that is small enough to deliver wavy movement in the bait but large enough to maintain that contact with the bottom surface. Leeches, minnows or crawlers are all perfect choices. Additional great bait for bottom navigation is lively creek chubs. These act as your eyes and ears on the bottom. When a walleye snaps on, the line movement is fierce. Big walleye practically devour these instantly. Pair these bait choices with a reel containing a flipping switch. This aids in navigating the depth changes without too much hassle. For rod selection, pick a six to seven foot rod with a ten-pound line weight. Follow this up with a ten-pound leader and a #1 or #1/0 Aberdeen or Octopus hook. For a little flare, add some beads and a spinner and get to work.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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