Catching Walleye in Lake Eerie

I’m not catching any walleye in lake eerie. What can I be doing wrong? I’m fishing like I always have, they just aren’t biting.

It might not be you. The walleye have not been biting much since the season has opened. It is expected to pick up later on in the season though around June and July. In addition, you might not even be using the right equipment to catch walleye. You have to have the right bait and the right rods. There has been some luck in catching walleye using stickbaits. Nevertheless, once they start biting more, one of the best things you can do is use flipping harnesses, weight forward, with worms. You can try using crankbaits to catch the walleye. That is for the deeper parts of the lake where you can drag your line. Fishing at night might also increase your chances of catching some good size walleye. Moreover, you might not be paying close enough attention to the habits and patterns of the walleye. As the summer goes on, the water will warm up and the walleye will start biting even more. The best fishing found so far on Lake Erie is found around the central basin. It is only a couple of miles out on the lake. Around August you should move out towards the central part of Lake Erie because that is where most of the walleye move to. When the mayflies start becoming more numerous you should switch to a smaller type of bait to catch walleyes. Since food will be numerous at that time, you will need to use something that will attract their attention.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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