Walleye Fishing Reels

*      Bait Casting Reel – This type of reel is the second most popular of all the reel types for fishing for walleye.  It is much easier to use in the shallow waters when fishing in the early morning and at dusk when they are feeding.  Look for a bait casting reel that does not have a strong backlash feature.  The more the reel spins on its own without spinning backwards, the better it is going to work for the walleye.  If it has a strong backlash potential, you are just going to end up with a bunch of knotted fishing line instead of landing that walleye.  This can also mean that they line is going to become so taut that instead of reeling in that big walleye, it snaps the line.

As stated above, you are not going to want to use a fast retrieval and because of this you only need a four to one gear ratio in your bait casting reel.  Again, if you can find one that has interchangeable spools you are going to find that you can limit the amount of fishing set ups that you need to bring on your fishing trip.

*      Spin Casting – Spin casting reels are not very popular among most walleye fishermen.  There are those who swear by them however as they find that they are more comfortable using them.  Having one that can be used when all else fails is not a bad idea either.  When purchasing a spin casting reel, make sure you do not skimp on the cost.  The cheaper ones are not going to offer the slow reel in that is required when bringing in a larger walleye.  If the line does not catch properly, you are going to be feeding out more line and the walleye may not hook properly.

To get the full “Walleye Fishing Reels” article you’ll need to download it here.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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