What weight fly line should I use to fish for walleyes. Would a 5 weight work better than a 7 weight?

What weight of fly line should I use to fish for walleye’s. I have a 4 piece 5 and a two piece 7 weight rod. Would the 5 weight work? Thank, Will

Actually, the answer would be a seven-pound fly line is going to work better for catching walleye. Of course, you rod length should be about eight to nine and a half feet. If you are fishing on real windy days, the seven is better, but the eight-pound test line is going to be better. Since you have a five and seven pound, go with the seven-pound test line. Walleye fishing has a lot to do with the bait and the test line, but in all honesty, I have seen people catch walleye on a five-pound line as well. I think the five pound is a little light, but some anglers swear by the five-pound. I think the five-pound would work for smaller walleye, but if you are going after the big fish, go with the seven weights. If you do any lake fishing, you will want to have a seven-pound at least. The light line is easier to feel the fish, but the heavier line will catch the fish. Many anglers have different viewpoints about the weight, but I seen anglers using the five-pound that have missed so many fish. They have snapped so many lines as well. River fishing in a strong current is call for a seven or eight pound. If you use something to light in a fast current river, you are not going to hit your target area. Go with the seven-pound fly line and you should find yourself feeling the strike and catching the fish.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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