Tips For Catching Walleye On Allegheny River

With your Walleye safely secured in an icebox, it’s time to prepare it. There are a ton of recipes to choose from since the Walleye are such a popular fish, so it’ll be hard to pick one. But once you do, and you’ve put the fish in the freezer for later use, take it back out as you should cook it as soon as possible. Thaw them out, while waiting, make sure you have everything needed for your recipe.

Once it’s completely thawed, fillet your fish into long strips and season them with the spices that are called for in the recipe. Place on top of stove and grill, flip to cook evenly and cut it in the middle to make sure it’s done. With all of these steps done you’re well on your way to eating your first Walleye.

Here’s a basic overview of what we went over and what you just read. Allegheny is a river that is located in New York City and Northern Pennsylvania. It’s been argued and fought over for more than 200 years now, it was even in the French Indian War. It has an entire variety of variation, one of the favorite are the Walleye. Easy to find since they bread so often and are heavily populated. But even though you can find them, they’re hard to catch, and require the use of live bait. Once caught, fillet them and grill, then enjoy. Don’t let them freeze for too long, as it’s easy for fish to develop freezer burn and turn bad.

This brings our informative trip to catching the Walleye on Allegheny River to an end, hopefully you’ve learned enough to catch your first Walleye. Bring some friends to pass time, go out to Pennsylvania, and become one of the fishermen that have tackled the Walleye. Have a good fishing rip! Also, remember, have a lot of fun!

To get the full “Tips For Catching Walleye On Allegheny River” article you’ll need to download it here.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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