Walleye Ice Fishing

In the early part of the walleye ice fishing season, you’d do well to stick to the shallows, since this is where the walleye will continue to feed aggressively. However, during this time you can’t just drill a hole and catch fish, so you may want to carry a GPS for this sort of fishing work – mark areas of interest during the spring, summer, and fall, and return to these in the winter. To scout out the best walleye ice fishing locations, you may still have to drill quite a few holes, but knowing where to start based on walleye feeding habits and structure locations will definitely give you the advantage you need to save time and energy. Staying along the weed line in the first parts of the season can help significantly.

One of the best ways to give yourself a one-up on walleye ice fishing is to select the correct jig to use, choosing the right size and color. Unlike spring or summer fishing, a silver or black jig will give you excellent results, although some anglers also swear by the standard chartreuse or a rainbow jig. Any way you look at it, the art of walleye ice fishing can be great fun as well as really challenging, making it quite adventurous.

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